Instinctive Wisdom

What is BodyTalk ?

A powerful healing approach and energy medicine that propels you to everyday vitality.

This scientifically proven technique taps into your innate wisdom, which knows you and what you need best, by asking a series of essential questions. It connects the dots and liberates you from limiting beliefs and self destructing behaviours that are ruining your life.

BodyTalk will let you:

  • Discover what your innate wisdom and your body are telling you

  • Bust the beliefs you wrongly hold as your innate wisdom will start to speak its truth

  • Release repressed memories and pains

It’s life changing if you are ready to do the work. That’s a promise !


BodyTalk is a holistic healthcare system, which understands that diseases of the body are connected to the person’s emotional state, moods, thoughts, beliefs and approach to life in general.

To that extent, BodyTalk honours the instinctive wisdom of the body; that instinctive wisdom, or innate intelligence is what may send signals to our body such as pain, swelling or headaches or other symptoms like stomach aches and so forth. It can also be that inner voice which warns you in case of a danger. Anyone able to tune into that built-in wisdom may find out what’s going on and see what needs to be addressed. Alternatively, if you feel you need that extra help, the BodyTalk practitioner is trained to do just that.