My 7 year-old boy had mild fever, was very cranky but was not showing any other symptoms. Because of covid 19 lockdown, I could not visit Isabelle so just asked her to check and do a distance session on him. Isabelle using her BodyTalk techniques told me that he was cranky because of headache and boredom.
The next day, after the session, the fever came down and he was not cranky anymore. He was feeling much better.
I can say Isabelle has very strong intuition and she can actually reach the cause of the problem. Besides, it is not the first time Isabelle performs a session on my son and each time, I could see results.
In this time of COVID 19 crisis, when we are all at home, there are situations when we need help. During this time, the distance sessions are very helpful.

—Maninder Kaur

BodyTalk was a big discovery. As a Qi Qong teacher, I am already very in touch with my feelings. BodyTalk was really another layer where I could put words on blockages, where I could go deeper and release those blockages. I was also surprised about where my sessions with Isabelle took me. Every time it would feel lighter. As if something has been lifted. Some things were highlighted during sessions that were not obvious for me, it was like my subconscious was sharing old stuffs. I definitely recommend BodyTalk with Isabelle as it has helped me expand at various levels.

—Pascale Jenart

Isabelle is a great therapist and a wonderful person who will make you feel taken care of at every level. Her warm and calming personality makes the whole experience as lovely as it is powerful.
I had several BodyTalk sessions with her, and as a practitioner myself, I really appreciate her approach and insights. The sessions themselves are nice and relaxing, and usually allow me to see things under a different light. More important, I could experiment amazing changes and improvements at various levels following the treatments.
Isabelle also did a distance session for my 4 year old son who was having terrible meltdowns at night because of a pain in his nose, and in just one session, he completely stopped screaming and crying whenever he wakes up at night.
I highly recommend her, and look forward to our next session!

—Lena Lagier-Hässig

I knew before that mind, emotions, and body were connected but Isabelle and her Body talk made it real. I enjoyed the peaceful state the sessions put me in. I had amazing insights and I am sure my body was rejuvenated after my sessions. She managed to connect to some deep issues without me mentioning them. Isabelle is an amazing practitioner and I highly recommend her.

Florence Héliard

I’ve been working with Isabelle for almost a year now. She helped me on different aspects of my physical health and emotional balance, with results that are always challenging my rationale mind.

Isabelle has an empathetic and holistic approach that places the individual at the centre of attention. She blends different approaches with her personal experience to come up with a solution that is just right for you. I can only recommend working with her.

—Soumeya M.