Isabelle’s Education

When I received my first BodyTalk session, I was intrigued but also suspicious as I thought that there was no science involved. Even, if I know deep down that our body can heal itself naturally, my left brain plays tricks on me sometimes. After a few sessions, I started to feel some changes at both the physical and mental levels. The members of my family were also benefiting from their sessions. As I explored BodyTalk further and studied all the materials, I realised that it was, in fact, grounded in science and quantum mechanics.  I decided to fully embrace this healthcare system because it is rooted in sciences and, at the same time, honours our instinctive wisdom.

Post-Graduate studies in Economics, Finance and Management, University Paris-Dauphine (France) June 1995

Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy, IFPA (UK) Jan 2018
Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, IBA (USA) Sept 2019

Mindscape, Feb 2019
BodyTalk Fundamentals 1 & 2, March 2019
Principles of Consciousness, August 2019
Macrocosmic Bodymind, Oct 2019
Matrix Dynamics, Oct 2019

Advanced Mindscape, May 2020

Biodynamics, Sept 2020

Beyond Techniques, Oct 2020

Animal communication courses:
Linking Awareness Activation and Level 2, March 2020
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), level 1 & 2, Feb 2020

Evidential mediumship trainings with Suzanne Giesemann:

Serving Spirit, making the connection, 2020

Soul to Soul Communication, 2020