Instinctive Wisdom



Instinctive Wisdom in the media

Instinctive Wisdom was featured in a French article on Le Petit Journal Singapour where Sabrina Zuber explores BodyTalk and how it's helping people to heal naturally, reveal their authentic-self and bid adieu to old programs and past traumas.

To find more about BodyTalk, read this article in French featured in Le Petit Journal Singapour


“The beauty of BodyTalk treatment is that you can receive a remote session while staying at home, as this therapy is based on the perception of the energy flow of the human body. The practitioner is trained to connect to the vibrations emitted by his patient, wherever he is anywhere in the world.

Rooted in science and philosophy, BodyTalk is a holistic, relaxing, non-invasive practice based on the ability of the human body to self-heal. This is a highly personalized approach that is suitable for all ages, including children and newborns. Our body is under stress due to external factors such as pollution, social media, electromagnetic waves but also more intimate factors such as repressed emotions, childhood traumas, entrenched belief system, feelings of not being up to the task… Each individual has his history, his heritage and his problems and our body keeps everything in memory. Then, in the long run, these blockages can crystallize in different parts of our body and create discomfort.

BodyTalk looks at the whole body and does not stop at the symptoms. It looks for the causes of imbalance and uses breathing and a light tap on some parts of the body to restore harmony. It is important to note here that the sequence in which a patient is treated is fundamental. For example, the best treatment for shoulder pain, whether in conventional or alternative medicine, will be very limited if, for example, the source of the disease comes from the stomach or even from an emotional block that should have been treated beforehand. Each case is unique, therefore, each session takes into account the unique history of the patient, revealed by the murmurs of the body; a session is always done with respect for the privacy and intimacy of the patient.

The Biology of Belief, by Dr Bruce H. Lipton
We communicate through energy!


Listen with Dr Bruce Lipton how to reprogram your subconscious mind