Instinctive Wisdom

Remote Sessions


These are exceptionally difficult times, especially for our health and emotional well-being.  As a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, I can help you find balance by connecting with your body energy field, whilst you remain in your home and I conduct your session from my home.


How tangible is the emotion of Love for example? Can you see it for real? No! Yet does it mean Love does not exist? It is the same with a distance session; you don’t have to understand everything about it, just like Love. You know it can be real since you can feel it and sense it. The practitioner use a mental workshop called Mindscape to communicate with the bodymind of the patient. Just like a mobile phone connects you with another person around the world without a physical encounter, the Bodytalk practitioner can tune in to scan the energy field of their patients without the physical contact.


What happens during a distance session?

Before your session takes place, if you agree, you will receive a wellness form to complete, base of your conversation with your practitioner. You may also skip that paperwork and receive directly your session, without too much talking involved as you prefer.

Distance sessions are facilitated on video via Zoom, WhatsApp, FaceTime or on email/ recording ( full distance session) at a convenient time. The format will depend mostly on time zone, choice and logistics. Distance sessions are even more valuable and as effective as in person sessions, especially during this era of digital connection.

For a live video-session, the patient will be invited to find a quiet and comfortable place which allows the practitioner to perform a physical evaluation and share some informations as the session takes place. Next, the patient will be lying down or seated comfortably eyes closed as the practitioner walks him through a guided visual meditation. The practitioner will tune into the energy field of the patient to observe any situation or blockage ready to be released.

The patient may be asked to gently tap on the top of the head (with hand covering both hemispheres), heart and gut brain (over the abdomen area) to anchor the healing process and activate the bodymind to repair. The session is completed when the body has expressed the need to pause and assimilate the healing mechanisms highlighted during that time.

Many people report positive results after just one session. For long lasting, permanent results, a follow-up may be suggested depending on what the body mind is ready to address at the moment the session takes place. Healing occurs in sequence and often it empowers the patient to use news tools for self-transformation.