Instinctive Wisdom

My Story


Life taught me the benefits of treating ourselves naturally and holistically.

I was born in Mauritius but grew up in Paris, where I noted that my volleyball injuries would heal much faster when I put my mind into the process.

After my post-graduate studies in Management and Finance in Paris, I went back to Mauritius and got married. Motherhood was a turning point in my quest for holistic healing. I had made it clear that I would not use chemicals during my pregnancies and my two daughters were delivered smoothly without epidurals and hardly any pain.

When my family and I moved to Abu Dhabi, my quest led me to study holistic aromatherapy with the International Federation of Professional Aromatherapists (IFPA) in the UK. I got my diploma in 2018 and have since enjoyed preparing therapeutic blends for my family and patients. Essential oils taught me the power of plants and how their innate wisdom can tune into the body chemistry of the patient for optimum healing.

After our move to Singapore in June 2018, out of curiosity, I had my first BodyTalk session with Sufen. I then took my 14 years old daughter who wanted to address her acne. Ten days later, her two warts we could not get rid of for seven years simply vanished. After a few more sessions, her acne was also gone.

Having witnessed the power of BodyTalk, I took all the relevant classes and examinations of the International BodyTalk Association (USA) and became a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner in September 2019.

This self-healing journey has enabled me to reconnect with my authentic self and honour my instinctive wisdom at deeper levels. I feel healthier and more aligned than ever, hence my invitation to you to discover Instinctive Wisdom.

Welcome to Instinctive Wisdom!

Isabelle Le Bon-Poonoosamy
